YOP13 Week 51/53 – Lots of felting


On Tuesday I felted the 35cm lampshade.  With our winter weather (no I’ve not moved to the southern hemisphere, it’s just been sooo cold), it took until Thursday before it was dry and ready to construct and deliver to the Alchemist Gallery in Dingwall.

It’s not as difficult to felt a 35cm shade as the 40cm size.  I think once I’ve used up the last 2 x 40cm kits I will do a maximum size of 35cm.  35cm is the right size for my kitchen worktop, my bamboo blinds that I do my rolling in and for constructing it on my new craftroom desk.

I also went bauble crazy, spending quite a lot of time this week making 8 needle felted baubles.

I’m away for a long weekend and then will get some fairies made.



I’ve done the German short rows and split for the sleeves of my Avena, but it doesn’t look much different so far.


I am just about to pick up the gusset stitches on my 2nd sock and its irritating me I didn’t line up the colours better on these. I shall proceed but I wonder if my irritation will stop me wearing them once they are done.  Hopefully I’ll stop noticing.


I spun on Wednesday afternoon but its the same fibre as last week, so I’ll wait until its plied to show it again.

Other News

With spending so much time making stock for the gallery, I haven’t done an awful lot more than that.

I’m in Dundee for a long weekend with an old friend, I’ll post more about that next time…or on my travel blog.  Today we are heading to Edinburgh for the day, turns out you can do most of what Dundee has to offer in a day and a half. 

This is a Year of Projects post. Officially the Group is in its 13th year, but this is my 6th year participating. If you would like to find more about the Year of Projects Group on Ravelry, as you’d be very welcome to join us. (There are 53 Sundays this YOP year, it happens sometimes!).

Year 13 list.


    • It’s funny and I’ve been knitting the sole of the feet now and it’s annyoying me even more about the colours as I’m doing them two at a time and the colour changes aren’t happening at the same time. I’ll hopefully stop being annoyed about it once they are knitted, as just peaking through the shoe and trouser gap it won’t be noticeable. But I’ll have to always wear slippers or shoes 🤣😂

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    • Thanks 😊, I’m sure someone out there probably does needle felted planets and hangs them in a kids mobile or room decoration. My nephew had a space themed bedroom as a kid but I wasn’t needle felting back then.

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  1. Love those baubles! So cute!! And I understand your concern about the socks, but the biggest difference is seen on the heel and heel turn, at least so far, which even you won’t see when wearing them. I struggle with this challenge myself, but once the socks are done, they’re close enough to recognize they’re a pair. Nobody else even realizes it at all, even my knitting friends, when they’re worn.

    Looking forward to reading about your adventures when you post them!

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