YOP10 Week 5/52 – Mosaic crochet sample and prize winnings

I just wanted to take a minute to thank everyone who is following my blog. I’ve had quite a few new followers recently, so Welcome! Whether you found me through the YOP group or Blogville group or just stumbled across me, I really appreciate you being interested in what I get up to and love this community of crafters. This community has brought me so much joy and inspiration.


I posted earlier this week that I was learning mosaic crochet and I’ve managed to do the sample from Tinna’s episodes for beginners. If you are interested, please check my earlier post where I have links to her YouTube channel and some patterns. (Her patterns are 50% off this weekend at checkout, no code needed). I just used some free acrylic yarn someone gave me, these are the worst 2 colours so ideal for just using in learning exercises. Acrylic yarn on my bamboo hook is a weird feeling, like rubbing your teeth with cotton wool, not painful but a little weird…or is that just me?

The pattern in this square is called the Apache tears. She didn’t name this pattern, in crochet it seems to originate from the 1970s. I’m always a little uncomfortable but interested when something is named after a group of people be it country, ethnicity, gender etc. which sent me down a rabbit hole of looking up Apache Tears and I found a 1700s ghost story, an obsidian rock, but failed to find more details on the crochet pattern. The border hides all the ends. It is simple to do, and I love the look of mosaic. I can’t wait to start on Havana but MUST resist buying yarn until 2021…resist resist 😂


In short bursts, throughout the week, I have been trying to finish Reyna. My aim was to finish it in July but I finished casting it off on Saturday morning. It isn’t blocked yet so it will get its own post this week and we can look forward to the house smelling like camel for a few days. Here’s a quick snap, but it will grow and the curling edges should sort themselves out.

Next on my needles will be the small items in the Samoyed dog hair I spun for my neighbour’s family, so that I can be guilt free about how long it all took. Then maybe some Christmas presents or themed items.

Last weekend was the virtual Fibre East festival and Mothy and the Squid were holding a giveaway. You just had to name your favourite base and you could win a butterfly face mask and 2 skeins of a gorgeous red wine/purple yarn…you know the sort of colours that would go with every single one of my coats! It will also go well with the perky little hat I made with her hot chocolate colourway that was in chunky yarn. Well mid-week I heard I’d won and the yarn and mask arrived Saturday morning. Very exciting!

I cannot get a true colour of the yarn on my phone but it goes with every coat I own. I’m going to weave a wide and long scarf with it I have decided. I thought gloves initially as it is superwash, but nope a woven scarf. The yarn is very soft, softer than superwash sometimes feels. Her colourways are all influenced by a photograph so her website is like an art gallery too!


Aldi had an online sale of Winnie the Pooh fat quarters at a bargain price, so I bought 2 packs of 12! They work out just over £1 each per fat quarters so amazing value and they’ll be ideal for practicing my sewing skills. I’m finding material is pretty expensive in the UK so if you know any good priced UK stockists I’d love to know. We don’t have a local fabric store anymore, nearest is probably 100+ miles away in Aberdeen or Perth.


My weaving goodies arrived including the double heddle blocks (now fitted to my loom), pick up sticks and some extra stick shuttles. No weaving this week, I’ll explain more under other news. I did hand sew the hem of my tea towels though and they’ve been washed. The red ran a lot but I kept rinsing in cold water until it ran clear and then machine washed and they are looking good. Rather than write a post about them I have made notes on my project page on Ravelry.

This week I did 4 of Kelly Casanova’s online weaving lessons. I have made lots of notes, as when the 1 Year subscription ends you no longer have access to the lessons. Hopefully I’m making good enough notes that I will still be able to do the projects once I no longer have access to the videos.

I learned how to do waffle and honeycomb patterns and how to make a notebook cover and tote bag.

I found a few errors on the PDF files that would give a different result, so I flagged to Kelly which she seemed to appreciate. When the course period ends you only have the PDF files, so I think it’s important they give you the right settings. I missed my calling as an editor (except on my own typos😂 )

Other News

I mentioned earlier this week, I have a sore right shoulder (not crafting related). So, now I have limited movement but it’s getting better. I’ve been spending more time learning techniques and just doing small bursts of crochet or knitting or sewing and trying to ensure I don’t aggravate it.

On Saturday I had my first social gathering of the year! I went to my friend Wendy’s and two other friends were there and we sat apart and watched the virtual Belladrum festival live on YouTube. We ordered pizza and took our own drinks, so we all stayed safe. I’ve put a link to last year’s post about it. We went 6 days with no new Covid19 cases reported in the Highlands but then there was one on Friday so will still need to be cautious and follow the rules. We don’t get information about where in the Highlands they are so it could be 90 miles away or in my town.

I suspect during August there are going to be a few secret projects being worked on…so my posts the next few weeks will be shorter…thanks for making it through this long one.

This is a Year of Projects post. Officially the Group is in its 10th year, but this is my 3rd year participating. To avoid confusion I am labelling my posts as YOP10. If you would like to find more about the Year of Projects Group on Ravelry* or you’d like to join in, please follow the link for details. To read what other members of the YOP Group have been getting up to please click on the latest weekly folder and follow the links to their blog posts. This is a friendly group with a wide mix of skills and crafting interests. The YOP year runs from July to June.

*Some people have experienced some visual problems caused by the new Ravelry style, so if you are prone to problems then I recommend changing to Classic Ravelry View.


  1. Your test square looks great! I was curious about the name of the pattern as well but now that you mention ghost stories and such, I’m afraid to look it up. I scare easily, and I don’t like ghost stories or anything occult, so maybe not going into detail might be better. Anyway, I love your towels. Congratulations on winning that beautiful yarn. Hope your shoulder will be better soon.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. wow, that crochet square, it looks so very pretty! You had another very productive week, what progress!
    Lovecrafts does sell fat quarter bundles, though I don’t think you can go below £2 per fat quarter, however they often have sales and coupons (e.g. they have 20%off until midnight today).
    Congratulations on winning those amazing skeins: though you may NEED to buy a couple more in a contrasting colour for that woven scarf…😜

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Reyna is looking fab, as is your crochet. Ths weaving looks to be coming along nicely and hurrah for winning prizes!


  4. I love all your projects this week! The mosaic crochet is interesting – I might have to check out how it is done! Your shawl and weaving look wonderful! And congrats on winning a prize!!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Thank you for the info on the patterns being on 1/2 price. Of course in order to get 1/2 off the FB info said you needed to buy 2 patterns. Not an issue here! I got Havana and Indiana patterns. Getting excited to try the mosaic crochet. Congrats on the prize you won. That yarn looks so pretty and the face mask………..super cute. Glad you got Reyna completed. It looks good on you and will even be better once you do the magic of blocking. Sounds like you had a great time with your friends this past week.

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  6. Oh, I liked your sample colors and the mosaic looks so cool. Congrats on your winnings! The Reyna ins beautiful…blocked or not. Your weaving is so pretty. Misty Percel of Luminous Fibers does quite a bit of weaving too. So nice to get out with friends. Have a good week!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Aren’t you the lucky one! Winning yarn must be one of the most wonderful things there is. I love your weaving project it’s very interesting I’ve never been that interested in weaving but it looks very cool. Especially I like it because you’re in the Highlands where weaving is supposed to happen.

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  8. I look forward to watching your mosaic crochet, Liz. Since I work with acrylic yarns pretty often, I’m not sure what the weirdness is you’re experiencing, but acrylic yarns are all different. And I imagine if you’re used to working mostly with natural fibers, acrylic will have a very different feel. I like to crochet with a metal hook, but I can imagine some acrylics feeling weird on a bamboo (or wooden) hook. You didn’t mention squeaking, but I’ll admit it’s a little unnerving when I hear a little squeak as I’m sitting quietly crocheting, and finally realize it’s my yarn rubbing against my hook. Not all acrylics squeak, but it happens. Also, I’ll note… while I’ve used some lovely soft acrylic yarns, even the sturdiest acrylics tend to soften with a machine wash and dry.

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