YOP10 Week 27/52 Happy New Year

Happy New Year readers!

I hope 2021 brings you health and happiness.


I had paused knitting my ADVENTuresome Wrap on the 9th December to finish my 2nd Turtle Dove jumper. I finished my jumper on Christmas Eve and didn’t really knit anything for a few days until I picked up day 10 of the wrap on the 29th. Since then I have added some extra sections (10 Teletubbies, 11 Monchichi Monkey, 12 Tracy Island and 13 Ninja Turtles). Next up is 14 Batmobile which is also green?!? And then finally I move away from the greens. Furbie is still like a beacon it is so bright!

I want to start a project with some handspun baby camel and silk that I spun last year. I can’t decide on a pattern so will just continue with my shawl until I find one or pick up another project from my YOP list.


I haven’t spun it yet, but look at the yummy yak and silk fibre that I bought with some of my Christmas money. I haven’t done any spinning for months so this will be lovely to spin during Guild and spin group Zoom calls.

I take our decorations down on the 2nd January so don’t really follow the 12 Days of Christmas, so I started opening 2 little fibre parcels a day and finished opening my 12 days of fibre on New Year’s Day.

Spoiler warning: If by a slim chance you are reading this and bought or were gifted the same box from Adelaide Walker you maybe don’t want to see the photos at the bottom as it will have some fibre you haven’t seen yet.

I have a long term plan of doing a breed project. I will spin a small amount of lots of different breeds and then either crochet or knit some squares. So this has some new to me breeds that will go towards that; Dorset Horn, Masham, Manx Loaghtan and Teeswater. In my head I am thinking it would be nice to have the breed name readable so maybe I will embroider the breeds on as I don’t think they will be big enough to knit the names on.

Other News

My husband got himself an Oculus (Virtual reality headset thingy) for Christmas and there is one game on that which doesn’t give me motion sickness…so that’s why there’s not been much knitting! I have switched ‘just one more row’ to ‘just one more go’.

I’ve seen a lot of friends in Blogville posting their intentions, plans, aspirations, word of the year etc. for 2021. I would like to definitely weave and spin more and fix some things around the house. I’m doing a virtual walk around Iceland’s Ring Road and starting a big declutter on the 4th January, so that’s enough to focus on for the next few months.

This is a Year of Projects post. Officially the Group is in its 10th year, but this is my 3rd year participating. If you would like to find more about the Year of Projects Group on Ravelry.


  1. The Advent shawl looks splendid, and a fun adventure to knit I think? I had a serious declutter in two rooms last week, and what a good feeling that was, so I know you’ll enjoy the results. My big goal at the moment is to focus on the whole cloth quilt for my daughter’s wedding, and try to balance out on other projects I’m working on.

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  2. That yak and silk fibre is indeed gorgeous!! I can’t wait to see what yarn it makes and then knits up. Your 12 Days kit looks so fun. Will you spin them as is or do you hand dye? Sounds like some fun projects.

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  3. Such a lovely shawl. I like the one bright stripe in it. Gives a bit more character that way. Your 12 days of Christmas fibers interesting. I never realized there were so many different sources of wool. What a coincidence. I am started a major declutter on the 4th also.

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  4. All of your fibers are so lovely!!

    I also really love the shawl! I have never actually made a project with mini skeins before. I think a shawl would be a good place to start with the braid I purchased in November 2020!! Thank you for the inspiration.

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  5. Your shawl is looking lovely with all those pretty colors. All of your new fibers looks beautiful, too. How fun those must have been to unwrap. Maybe with inspiration from you and Marsha, I’ll climb back into decluttering this week. I need to, and I want to, but the motivation and direction is momentarily lagging.

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  6. That shawl is gorgeous. I wrote it down on my neverending list of future projects! LOL! The fibers are lovely and can’t wait to see them spun up. Virtual reality is something I would love for travel. I think they’re pretty rpicey for me though. I need the robot vacuum/mop first. Happy New Year and I hope you have a great one and stay well!

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  7. Oh, shiny new fiber…..I need to have a chat with my fiber (and yarn). I need to spin more often, me thinks. I have a bunch of rare breed fibers to spin but I’m scared to screw them up because I’m not a great spinner. ::sigh::

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  8. Oh my, I think I will get that Adelaide Walker 12 days of fibre next year if she is still doing that. Gorgeous! So nice to follow you on the RIng Road. That yak and silk fibre is delicious!

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  9. Ooo, your Advent wrap is coming out very pretty and I really like the pop of color that the Furbie adds. I’ve never heard of baby camel as a yarn fiber, but it sounds luxurious especially mixed with silk. I look forward to seeing what you decide to make with it. That 12 days of fibre box sounds like a great way to familiarize yourself with the properties of the different breeds’ wool, but I’m not sure I’d be motivated enough even to embroider — I’d probably just get out my Sharpie and clip a paper tag to them, but that’s not nearly as cool. 🙂

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  10. That yak and silk fibre looks so yummy, it makes me want to practise spinning every day so that I can spin such yummy fibre as well. :-)) As for good intentions and resolutions and so on – I’ll just try to be the best me I can possibly be every day of 2021. That’s enough of a challenge.

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